

Welcome to the VU and UvA flux balance analysis tutorial

This Github repository contains all materials related to a collection of flux balance analysis practicals taught as part of the systems biology and medicine course at the VU (Free University Amsterdam) in 2016 - 2019 and at the ECI 2018.

In this tutorial we will use mybinder to run Jupyter notebooks in the cloud. The aims of the tutorial are:

  1. To introduce you to basic programming in Python
  2. Bring your conceptual understanding of flux balance analysis (FBA) into practice
  3. Apply FBA to investigate biomass and ATP production in the human metabolic map Recon3D
  4. Investigate inborn error of metabolism phenylketonuria (PKU) using FBA and the human metabolic map

Important notes & tips

Start the tutorial

To start the tutorial, click on the “launch binder” button at the top of this page. You will be redirected to a webpage that will generate a personal jupyter container for you.

After a minute or two the notebook server will be launched. You will see a folder with files. Open the “VU_course_tutorial_hub” file.